Thursday, March 09, 2006

It's good to be a loser

I don't think there is a single woman on this earth who hasn't at one stage or another faced that dreaded four-letter word: Diet!
It's not like we mean to get fat. No one in their right mind wakes up one morning and says: "Ok, I want to be fat!" It just sort of happens. Especially when you hit 30, or get married; or both.
So here I am. Once again facing another diet. But this time it feels different.
I think it's because I've declared war on my body. It declared war on me first so it's only fair that I get some ammunition and defend myself, right?
I've joined a gym and done the unthinkable: Signed a six-week challenge contract.
That means that I will go to gym no less than three times a week and will lose up to 5 pounds a week. Yeah right!
But guess what. It works.
My body is waving a white flag and the fat is leaving to invade some other country.
I can say in all honesty that I am excited to be losing something of myself and it not being my hair.

This got me thinking. Do you think men are vain? I can't imagine a man standing in front of the mirror and turning from side to side to compare his waist size to the one he remembers from years ago.
Maybe they do and they just don't want us women to know about it.
Perhaps there are more men on a diet on the planet right now than women. Would that surprise you?
My husband says men don't do that because they can't remember beyond yesterday.
I don't think my husband is vain. If he were... well let's just say that he is comfortable in his skin. Thank goodness because it's bad enough one of us has a hangup about how we look - two of us would turn our home into a psychiatric ward.
On the plus size (excuse the pun) he is giving up smoking.
New Years' resolutions: He will give up smoking and I will give up chocolate.
Who do you think will benefit more from these sacrifices?

I will let you know how it goes but so far it's eight pounds down and about a million to go. But I think the scale is just broken.
However, I love my curves and plan to hang onto them - ok, maybe just one or two in the right places.

Happy Dieting!

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