Friday, December 22, 2006

Recent ICS Christmas party

ICS held it's Christmas party at Elbow Beach recently. Here are some fun shots from that evening...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Our night at the Fairmont Southampton

Mark & I spent a night at the Fairmont Southampton in Bermuda.
It was the newspaper's Christmas party so we decided to skip the 10-minute drive home (that's way too far to drive when you're roasted) and drink, eat, be merry until the wee hours of the morning - to pass out three floors up. Mark of course being the eternal joker with this lovely pose. I'll be sure to use that against him when he's 89 and as nutty as a LunchBar!

Our room was gorgeous with a lovely sunset glow. Mark made full use of the early afternoon without work, cats or video games to catch some "shut eye".
This is the life!