Friday, December 22, 2006

Recent ICS Christmas party

ICS held it's Christmas party at Elbow Beach recently. Here are some fun shots from that evening...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Our night at the Fairmont Southampton

Mark & I spent a night at the Fairmont Southampton in Bermuda.
It was the newspaper's Christmas party so we decided to skip the 10-minute drive home (that's way too far to drive when you're roasted) and drink, eat, be merry until the wee hours of the morning - to pass out three floors up. Mark of course being the eternal joker with this lovely pose. I'll be sure to use that against him when he's 89 and as nutty as a LunchBar!

Our room was gorgeous with a lovely sunset glow. Mark made full use of the early afternoon without work, cats or video games to catch some "shut eye".
This is the life!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

St. Andrews' Caledonian Ball

All the pomp and splendour of the Caledonian Society's St. Andrews Ball, held last weekend at the Fairmont Southampton. Sorry folks, no handsome Mark by my side for this one. I went solo as I was taking photos for the society. But I thought you all might like seeing some of the photos.
Yip, people danced and I'm not talking about the Waltz either.... You need a degree in Scottish to pull this one off. I failed miserably. Must be my African blood. All I wanted to do was get the hell off the dance floor. Help!

My table was made up mostly of Americans - visitors to the Island for the past 20, or so years.
They were fascinated by the whole event - for some it was the first Caledonian event, while for the man next to me, Alan, it was his 3rd or 4th.
They were both from Conneticut.

Here are some of the lovely ladies at the ball, including Natalie (far right) my former hairdresser and the girl second from the left, and apologies but her name escapes me, goes to my gym. Yip, she's Scottish!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A day in St. George's

We spent the day in St. George's. Even though it was a little on the chilly side, it was a great day in Bermuda.
We were also treated to a stop-over by the Spirit of Bermuda - the Sloop.

This lovely little girl was watching the Sloop coming in and had just had her face painted at some local celebrations.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hello Halloween!

Mark and I went to our second Halloween Party here in Bermuda. The last time was back in 2004 and we went as a Blue Man and a sexy witch.
This year we decided to get back to our roots and went the "African" way.
I think I scared the hell out of at least one person.

All in the name of fun!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Not much news on this side of the planet

Not much news from Bermuda I'm afraid.
In the run-up to the festive Season things tend to grind to a halt on our little Island.

The only things to look forward to now is the Halloween Party at Robin Hood next weekend, the Rugby Classic with South Africa's Springboks in November, our Christmas parties and Marks' parents coming to visit.
Oh yes and Mark is celebrating his 44th birthday on November 30th, which is also our 6th wedding anniversary.

Plans for 2007:
We're discussing the possibility of going to Oz at Easter, I'm taking a photography course online through a university in California and believe it or not (because I don't) I'll be celebrating my 36th birthday.
Oh yes, and I might also be starting a different job - but that's still far off.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Party at Black Beard's

It's so easy to forget how beautiful Bermuda is.
But then one weekend you find yourself sitting on a balcony at a place like "Black Beard's" pub in St. George's and it hits you - "My God, I am lucky to live on an Island."
It was Rob Salmon's 40th birthday party and we all got together to wish this crazy Canadian a good one.

That's the group that came to enjoy the sunset and the view.

Mark at the beach with his Indiana Jones hat and the guy, without a hat is Jim from Canada.

Yip, that's me in my funny hat.
In the corner is Steve and Belinda Bull, also Canadian.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Swept away by Hurricane Florence

More photos of Hurricane Florence which passed Bermuda on September 11, 2006.
Photos from "Shots on the Rock".

Downtown Hamilton and the South Shore beaches are pounded by waves.
The docks at Hamilton Harbour take a beating as a platform used during Harbour Nights falls over.

Across the Road from Bacardi Limited, the palm trees sway and bend in the wind coming from the South/ South-West.

Hurricane Florence in photos

Photos of Hurricane Florence - September 11, 2006 as taken from "Shots from the Rock"